Our Joint Long-Range Planning Committee held three public forums in the Fall of 2018, one in each of the municipalities of Hopewell Valley. Sessions were promoted via social media, a targeted mailing, personal contacts, local press, and the partner organizations’ and other groups’ mailing lists. We had an impressive turnout at all sessions.
The purpose of these forums was to receive feedback and ideas from the community at large in order to better craft museum programming and the interpretation of history in the Hopewell valley. The forums were an opportunity for the Hopewell Museum and Hopewell Historical Society to connect with the community.
We received tremendous feedback and ideas during each session. The Hopewell Museum and Hopewell Valley Historical Society board members were asked to attend and act primarily as observers and to help encourage the participation of the other attendees rather than expressing their own opinions and programming ideas. Click on the link below to learn more detail of the kinds of ideas generated by each forum.