The Hopewell Museum is an independent entity governed by its own Board of Trustees. It is financed entirely by voluntary contributions from interested citizens and organizations. It welcomes your support both financially and in the form of gifts of antiques or relics which will add to or improve existing collections. The Trustees are especially proud that many of the Museum's finest possessions are of local origin. All such gifts are carefully cared for and exhibited so that they may be enjoyed by the entire community.
Contributions to Hopewell Museum are tax deductible. You are invited to become a member:
Patron $100.00
Sponsor $50.00
Sustaining $25.00
Associate $10.00
Donations can be accepted online via PayPal. The Museum can also accept checks. Make checks payable to: Hopewell Museum
Please send donations to:
Hopewell Museum, 28 E. Broad St., Hopewell, NJ 08525
Support our mission
The museum depends on outright gifts and unconditional bequests so that it can fulfill its mission of being a "Community Center Preserving Our Past." If you prefer that your bequest gift becomes a part of our endowment, please contact our curator at the museum or write for further information.